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How to Get Access to Amazon Premium A+ Content for Free!

July 10, 2023
Incrementum Digital
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Making the most of Amazon’s promotional period for free Premium A+ content, I found a straightforward method to fulfill the eligibility criteria:

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1️⃣ Publish an A+ Brand Story across all your ASINs
2️⃣ Have at least 15 project submissions of A+ content approved within the past 12 months

With ONLY FOUR products and an A+ content for each, I needed a strategy.

So, I took a leap – I duplicated my existing four A+ content until I had more than 15 approved. To my surprise, it worked! At the start of the following month, I was granted access to the Premium A+ content. ?

You may wonder, how do you duplicate your A+ content? It’s super easy. Here’s a quick step-by-step:

1️⃣ Go to ‘Advertising’
2️⃣ Click ‘A+ Content Manager’
3️⃣ Select any of your A+ content
4️⃣ Click ‘Actions’ and choose ‘Duplicate’

Your duplicated A+ content will get approved almost instantly! Repeat this process until you have more than 15 A+ content.

Get in on the act now and take full advantage of this free offer before Amazon starts charging for it.

How to get Amazon A+ content for free

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