
Amazon Advertising, The Prime Times

BFCM 2023: Our Official Amazon Advertising Performance Analysis

December 7, 2023
Kate Bray
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As we close the chapter on Black Friday and Cyber Monday for 2023, it’s time to reflect on the performance of our campaigns. Let’s take a deep dive into each key metric and compare the results with those of 2022.

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Total Sales

The 2023 campaigns were a resounding success in terms of total sales. On Cyber Monday, we witnessed a substantial 212% increase compared to 173% in 2022, showcasing a significant boost in consumer spending. Black Friday followed suit with an impressive rise from 148% in 2022 to 181% in 2023, reflecting a strong consumer response. During BF Week, the total sales grew by a more modest margin, from 20% in 2022 to 23% in 2023, setting a solid foundation for the main events. Interestingly, the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week saw no change from the previous year, remaining steady at 0%, which indicates a consistent pre-event performance year over year.

Line graph showing the year-over-year comparison of Total Sales for Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week. Notable increases are observed in Cyber Monday and Black Friday sales for 2023 compared to 2022.

ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale)

In 2023, the ACoS for Cyber Monday showed an increase, moving from 25% in 2022 to 30%, suggesting a higher investment in advertising to drive sales. Black Friday also saw a similar pattern, with ACoS rising from 24% to 30%. During BF Week, ACoS climbed slightly from 24% to 32%, indicating a strategic increase in ad spending. In the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, ACoS increased from 27% to 34%, likely reflecting an early-stage investment in advertising for the upcoming shopping events.

Line graph illustrating the Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS) for 2022 and 2023 during Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and Average 30-Day Pre BF Week. There's a noticeable increase in ACoS across all events in 2023.



TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sale)

TACoS during Cyber Monday in 2023 increased marginally from 6% in 2022 to 10%, hinting at a broader investment in advertising relative to overall revenue. This trend was consistent on Black Friday and throughout BF Week, with TACoS rising from 6% to 10% and 8% to 12%, respectively. In the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, TACoS also saw an increase from 7% to 13%.

Line graph depicting the Total Advertising Cost of Sale (TACoS) for Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and the 30-day period preceding Black Friday in both 2022 and 2023. The graph shows a moderate rise in TACoS in 2023 across these events.

CPC (Cost Per Click)

During Cyber Monday, CPC increased from $1.15 in 2022 to $1.63 in 2023, indicating a higher cost to engage potential customers, likely due to more competitive ad bidding. Black Friday also saw a rise in CPC, moving from $1.18 in 2022 to $1.60 in 2023, suggesting a similar competitive advertising environment. Throughout BF Week, the CPC climbed from $1.16 to $1.50, reflecting a broader trend of increased ad costs leading up to major shopping events. Interestingly, in the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, the CPC trend was slightly different, with an increase from $1.20 in 2022 to $1.43 in 2023. This gradual rise in CPC over the month leading up to Black Friday indicates a ramping up of advertising efforts and market competition as the event approached.

Line graph showing the year-over-year change in Cost Per Click (CPC) for Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week. The graph illustrates a consistent increase in CPC across these events from 2022 to 2023, with the most significant rises observed on Cyber Monday and Black Friday, indicating higher advertising costs during peak shopping periods.


CTR (Click-Through Rate)

The CTR during Cyber Monday improved slightly in 2023, moving from 0.24% to 0.25%, indicating more effective ad engagement. Black Friday also witnessed a similar increase in CTR, going from 0.29% in 2022 to 0.26% in 2023. During BF Week, the CTR improved from 0.36% to 0.30%, and in the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, it remained relatively stable, changing from 0.37% to 0.35%.

Bar chart representing the Click-Through Rate (CTR) for 2022 and 2023 during Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week. Slight improvements in CTR are evident in 2023 for most of the events.

Conversion Rate (CVR)

The conversion rate on Cyber Monday increased from 16% in 2022 to 18% in 2023, showing more successful conversions from ad clicks. On Black Friday, the CVR remained stable year over year at 17%. BF Week also saw a consistent CVR, maintaining at 17% from 2022 to 2023. The Average 30-Day Pre BF Week mirrored this trend, with the CVR holding steady at 16%.

Line graph showing the Conversion Rate (CVR) for Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and Average 30-Day Pre BF Week in 2022 and 2023. Conversion rates are relatively stable with a notable increase on Cyber Monday 2023.

YOY Organic Sales Lift

For Cyber Monday, organic sales jumped significantly from 181% in 2022 to 236% in 2023, reflecting a stronger brand presence and customer loyalty. Black Friday saw a similar increase in organic sales, rising from 163% to 207%. During BF Week, there was a modest increase from 12% to 24%, and in the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, organic sales remained unchanged, as expected in the lead-up phase.

Bar chart displaying Organic Sales growth percentages for Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, comparing 2022 and 2023. There's a significant growth in organic sales for Cyber Monday and Black Friday in 2023.


The number of sessions on Cyber Monday increased from 106% in 2022 to 118% in 2023, indicating successful efforts in driving web traffic. Black Friday also experienced a rise in sessions, moving from 105% to 111%. During BF Week, sessions saw a growth from 23% to 26%, and in the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week, there was no significant change, remaining at 0%.

Line graph illustrating the number of website sessions for Cyber Monday, Black Friday, BF Week, and the Average 30-Day Pre BF Week in 2022 and 2023. There's an upward trend in sessions for all events in 2023, particularly on Cyber Monday.

In conclusion, 2023’s Black Friday and Cyber Monday campaigns demonstrated remarkable improvements across most metrics, reflecting strategic advancements in marketing and a deeper engagement with our audience. It’s clear that our efforts in adapting to market trends and consumer behaviors have paid off.



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